It does not make sense.

I wonder what it is about religion and beliefs that makes it something that is hard for people to accept?  Differences in religion has caused many wars throughout history.  Many people have suffered at the “hands of god” and it is so interesting.  It does not make sense.  If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, and if he loves unconditionally, then why does he allow wars to happen and people to kill others “under his name?”  If he is all-forgiving, then why is there a “hell?”  This makes no sense.  If God is love, as I have heard so many people say, then why is there so much hatred and non-tolerance from those who are “believers?”   There are those believers who do not tolerate interacial dating, or gay people, or women’s rights…

And if I am just supposed to believe that he has a plan and I am not meant to understand it… I dont accept this.  I will not believe in some power in the sky I have never seen, to be smarter than me and that is why I do not understand.  How condescending is that? That is horrible.  Talk about not teaching people to critically think, that just makes no sense.  Yet people believe it.  How curious…

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